Dewar's Portuguese Smooth Scotch

750ml Bottle

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    Bacardi Limited
    40% Alcohol
    Product Description

    Dewar's Portuguese Smooth Scotch whiskey celebrates the cultures of Portugal and Scotland, bringing together their vibrant and flavorful characteristics. It's an 8-year-old blended whiskey finished in Port wine casks, making it the third release in a unique cask series. This whiskey has a rich and full-bodied taste, combining the double aging process with the special finishing, resulting in a smooth and approachable whiskey with a twist.

    Tasting Notes

    Nose: It has a sweet aroma of honey, light oak, cream, caramel, and a hint of pepper. It's light, fruity, and creamy, with subtle notes of youthfulness. The port wine influence is not very strong or expressive.

    Taste: It's sweet on the palate, with a very subtle hint of smoke, along with flavors of wood, toffee, and apricot. The Port wine influence is more noticeable here, adding a jammy and fruity quality, like marmalade, currant, and cherry, to the lightly smoky base spirit.

    Finish: The finish is short and not particularly complex. There's a bit of warmth, which is unexpected for a whiskey with 40% alcohol. You'll taste jammy cherry, light smoke, minerality, and a hint of sweet malt.

    Overall, Dewar's Portuguese Smooth whiskey brings together the flavors of Portugal and Scotland. It has a sweet and fruity aroma, a smooth and approachable taste with hints of smoke and fruitiness, and a short but satisfying finish.